Our Outdoor Adventure Series gives you a chance to learn Outdoor Skills such as Day Hiking, Backpacking, Camping, Fire building, Compass reading and also enjoy short hikes, camping outings and overnight backpacking adventures. Also included in our Outdoor Adventure Series: Handgun Safety, use and range practice, Canoeing, Tubing and Sight Seeing.

Backpacking is one of the best ways to escape the hustle and bustle of everyday life and connect with nature. Big Sister Team Building Outdoor Adventurers will introduce you to the skills you need to explore the outdoors on foot. We teach the basics such as using a compass, fire building, etiquette on or off-trail, setting up camp, and even administering first aid. Following us on social media to see when workshops are happening or get a group together and contact us for a private session.

Camping and Hiking
Once you have some basic information and skills about hiking and backpacking, we give you an opportunity to put those skills to the test by enjoying a Camping and Hiking Outing. We know the Outdoors can be a little intimidating, so let’s help ease your fears. Our small group outings will introduce you (again) to the basics of camping, sleep systems, gear, clothing, food, navigation and just having fun while outdoors.

Basic Handgun Safety and Training
This class is available for experienced and non experienced persons interested.
Our Basic Handgun Safety and Training class serves as a safety / training for individuals that are already permitted to carry a handgun, but may not have used, handled, or cleaned one. Also for those who are interested in obtaining a permit to gain safety information.
We will cover the basic fundamentals, safety, storage, North and South Carolina Laws, Trigger management, types of handguns, dry and live firing (range time optional) This is a basic information and training class and will NOT count as certification for a Concealed Weapons application. Range time is optional and cost will be the participants responsibility. NO LOADED weapons will be permitted during class. Instructors are trained Law Enforcement and Military personnel. We ask that you become familiar with your firearm BEFORE attending the class if you choose the range option.
If you DO NOT have a permit, copies of the application will be available. If you are interested in this class or have a group ready, please contact us.